

hyperdigitale maxwell-dämonen! sex! dysfunktionale kommunikation! hardcoreromantik! wahnsinnige frauen! shannon vs bennett! norwegische u-boote! entropiebombe über edinburgh! explodierende fische und maschinen! minimale bewusstseinsbandbreite! liebe! action! verrat! leidenschaft! 35,6 tonnen exformation! der 2. hauptsatz der thermodynamik ist widerlegt! die büchse der pandora! die nacht der lebenden entropierten! physiker! bastardsöhne einer kröte! random walks! gegessene fische! schmerzvernichtung! verrat und leidenschaft! haarsträubende geschichten! the night of the living entropied! theoretische physik!

"The demon machine is a semiotic machine, combining different sign systems into a new meaningful whole. Although each of the 79 parts of this art work are complete forms in themselves, they are also integrated into a whole - playing with the uses of the two words ‹demon› and ‹machine›. Some of the 79 small forms will be analyzed exemplarily. The use of the different sign systems but also their integration into the interface and the (limited) interactive potential will be described. The artwork can be seen as a continuation of montage and collage as used since the avant-garde.
The demon machine is highly intertextual / intermedial: a poetic work, a thought experiment and a theoretical reflection on Maxwell’s demons at the same time."
Reading Digital Literature, Brown University, Oct. 4-7th, 2007


Fifth conference participants, 1927. Institut International de Physique Solvay. A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, Ed. Herzen, Th. De Donder, E. Schrödinger, E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin, P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr, I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch. E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson

Fifth conference participants, 1927. Institut International de Physique Solvay. A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, Ed. Herzen, Th. De Donder, E. Schrödinger, E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin, P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr, I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch. E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson

Fifth conference participants, 1927. Institut International de Physique Solvay. A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, Ed. Herzen, Th. De Donder, E. Schrödinger, E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin, P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr, I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch. E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson

mit unterstützung von: iaab, aargauer kuratorium, kulturstiftung winterthur, migros kulturprozent