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My Wittgenstein
Eagleton, Terry. The Eagleton Reader. Ed. Stephen Regan. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. (336-41)
pub: Common Knowledge. 3:1 (1994) 152-7

(...) The early Wittgenstein is nostalgic for the pure ice of philosophical precision, for those countless gleaming metaphysical acres stretching silently to the horizon. It is a beautiful vision; but he came to see that if you tried to walk in that world, you would fall flat on your face. What we need to walk is friction, the roughness and inexactness of our common human practices. (...)

Protesting that language isn't an exact instrument would be like coplaining that you can't play a tune on a carrot. And so we have the later Wittgenstein of the Investigations, who has abandoned the crystalline purity of his arctic youth and seeks to return us to the rough ground of our mixed, ambiguous, commonplace speech.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Suhrkamp, 1993. s 69